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Sep 9, 2020
Here We Are
God of Creation, We watch as the beauty of Your earth is devastated and ravaged by fire and earthquakes and hurricanes. We watch in...

Aug 27, 2020
The Greatest Privilege
At Arapaho UMC in Richardson, Texas, we are in the middle of a sermon series titled, “Unmasked.” We are acknowledging various attitudes,...

Aug 22, 2020
The Bike Ride
I’ve begun riding my bike again. What started out as a “let’s try it” challenge has become a bit of a necessity. We are down to one...

Jul 27, 2019
The Muppet Movie is 40.
Steve pointed out this NPR read to me this morning. We both smiled, as he forwarded it to me and to Shannon (we were sure it would make...

Feb 16, 2018
Micah 3:5-8 5 Thus says the Lord concerning the prophets who lead my people astray, who cry “Peace” when they have something to eat, but...

Mar 10, 2017
Is Home Where the Heart is?
Recently, I have been thinking on this familiar phrase: More specifically, I’ve been thinking about from the perspective of those who are...

Oct 5, 2016
The Call
If you have been reading my blog for awhile, you probably know that I seek wisdom from a number of sources. I wrote a blog on that...

Aug 31, 2016
Longhorns, Fighting Irish, and an Unexpected Friendship
September 21, 1996. That’s how far back I have to go to tell this story. And it seems appropriate that I tell it this week, as the...

Aug 17, 2016
The Taco Cabana Story
Wanting to start blogging again, I reminded myself of a promise not to do so until I wrote about a particular story. I’ve been wanting to...

Mar 14, 2016
The Color Craze
The story begins on a holiday. I’m fairly certain the holiday was Thanksgiving, and the reason should become clear later in the story....

Feb 10, 2016
Lighten the Load
For Christmas a few years ago, I received a wonderful hobo purse as a gift. You may be familiar with them – large bags, flung over...

Jan 20, 2016
How do the Faithful Pack a Lunch?
For many years, I made lunches for our daughter, Shannon, to take to school. As a vegetarian, she sometimes had few options provided in...

Dec 18, 2015
From the Scoring Table
This may not come as a surprise, from someone who graduated UT with an accounting degree: When given the opportunity, I keep score at...

Dec 9, 2015
God Blesses and Prayers
When our kids were younger, we had a nighttime routine for bedtime. After baths, after brushing teeth, after the bedtime story and that...

Nov 11, 2015
What’s Your Station?
I have a short commute to my office. That usually doesn’t sit well with those who endure traffic, sometimes for hours, each day. But...

Oct 21, 2015
The Bell Ringer
Most of my professional career has been spent in the commercial real estate industry. Development, property management, asset...

Oct 7, 2015
The Side Door
There’s a meme making the rounds again in social media, starring a toddler who wants to go home after church, but his mom is still...

Oct 2, 2015
Am I a 10?
Wait, that sounds a bit too much like the loaded question, “Honey, does this outfit make me look too big?” Hint to honey: respond ‘no’...

Sep 17, 2015
The Organized Mind
“Mom, hold on, I need to organize my binder.” Music to my ears. You see, while my desk may not always show it, and while the yard might...

Sep 9, 2015
What’s on Your Wall?
Last week, I listened to a podcast from one of my favorite authors, Andy Andrews. Andrews is the author of many motivational and...
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